Top 40 Skills to Land a Job Online

05 February 2011
thermometer check for your online skills

From micro-skills to programming skills, let's see what online job platforms are saying.

According to data supplied by the Elance Community this week, there are approximately 40 skills that can land you a job online.

Do you have what it takes to work online? How hot are your skills?

Arts and Media

  1. Article Writing
  2. Content Writing
  3. Copywriting
  4. Creative Writing
  5. English Translation 
  6. Graphic Design 
  7. Illustrator 
  8. Logo Design 
  9. Photoshop
  10. Web Content 

Administrative Support

  1. Administrative Assistant 
  2. Customer Support 
  3. Data Entry
  4. Email Handling 
  5. General Computer Skills 
  6. General Office Skills 
  7. Microsoft Office Excel 
  8. Research 
  9. Typing 
  10. Word Processing 

Information Technology

  1. AJAX 
  2. CSS 
  3. Flash 
  4. HTML 
  5. iPhone 
  6. JavaScript 
  7. Joomla! 
  8. MYSQL 
  9. PHP 
  10. WordPress 

SEO and Marketing

  1. Advertising 
  2. Direct Marketing 
  3. Email Marketing 
  4. Internet Marketing 
  5. Lead Generation 
  6. Market Research 
  7. Marketing Strategy 
  8. Sales 
  9. Search Engine Optimization 
  10. Social Media

After identifying your skills, determine which ones you're most proficient with. Your top-ranked skills will become your main selling point in the online job market.

Don't neglect your other skills though. It's not like you'll be taking on easy online jobs forever. In order to establish an edge over other freelancers, you'd want to be as versatile as possible. Skills that belong to your bottom list can still be honed and polished.

With an ample repertoire of  job-specific skills, the right attitude and some luck on your side, you can land a job online.

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