Blogging Hiatus - How Come?

17 February 2012 Comments
surprise, cat and dog
Year 2011 was a prolific year for Teecup Limited. After 140 posts, great friends, a nice page rank boost and steady payments from the blog advertising network, who wouldn't be in a roll?

This year, the blog didn't exactly begin with a bang. However, Teecup intends to get back in the game -- but not without touching a bit on blogging hiatuses.

A hiatus is synonymous to a break or an interruption. Sometimes, long hiatuses can lead to the death of a blog site. Sometimes, they are so short that you won't even notice a blogger's absence.

Call them excuses, alibis or justifications if you like. There are plenty of reasons that bloggers go on a hiatus.

The whys range from the most mundane such as forgetting passwords and finding yourself too sleepy to write because of medications to the most serious such spending time in the hospital and surviving a tragedy.

By far and as experience goes to show, the most common causes are:
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